30th anniversary get-together party for class of 1989 of Peking University

Today the get-together party is held in Beijing for the undergraduates of Peking University who got admitted 30 years ago. Class of 1989 in China means the students entering college in 1989 while the year is referred to the graduation year in US. I guess the reason is that it is much more difficult to get admitted to than to graduate from college in China, especially a good one and in the old days. So it is quite an achievement and warrants the use of the entering year for the class. It is the opposite in US.

I am in the same class although not celebrating together with them today. My best wishes to the whole class from overseas. I spent five years, part of the best years of my life, with these brilliant young people. I cherish every moment of those years. I can not help reminiscing about old times while watching the photos and videos my classmates have shared.

Here is the link of the song for the 30th anniversary “Hu Bu Gui” made and sung by two of our classmates:

[胡不归]  北大89级同学30年聚会   作词:王芳    作曲:刘森、袁剑松   演唱:袁剑松

The lyrics: Continue reading “30th anniversary get-together party for class of 1989 of Peking University”

A battle to publish my mirror-matter papers

Over the course of half a year since the birth of my mirror-matter model (MMM or M3), it’s been quite a battle to get any of my M3 related papers to be published on major journals. Here I put together some of the comments from the editors and reviewers to get a glimpse of how “friendly” esteemed scientists are when facing new ideas proposed under a relatively unknown name.

Continue reading “A battle to publish my mirror-matter papers”

Understanding the mirror sector of the Universe

It’s been half a year since I posted the 1st of my papers about mirror-matter on arXiv on the Chinese New Year day of 2019 (BTW, year of the pig). Here is the brief summary of my work.

Understanding the mirror sector of the Universe
–to solve the puzzles of dark matter, baryogenesis, neutron lifetime, and star evolution

Originated from Lee and Yang’s seminal work on parity violation, a rather exact mirror matter model is proposed using spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking, which results in oscillations of neutral particles [1]. As it turns out, neutron-mirror neutron (n-n’) oscillations become one of the best messengers between the ordinary and the mirror worlds. The new n-n’ model resolves the neutron lifetime discrepancy, i.e., the 1% difference between measurements from “Beam” and “Bottle” experiments. The picture of how the mirror-to-ordinary matter density ratio is evolved in the early universe into today’s observed dark-to-baryon matter density ratio (~5.4) is gracefully demonstrated. A new theory of evolution and nucleosynthesis in stars [2] based on the new model of n-n’ oscillations presents remarkable agreement between the predictions and the observations. For example, progenitor mass limits and structures for white dwarfs and neutron stars, two different types of core collapse supernovae (Type II-P and Type II-L), synthesis of heavy elements, pulsating phenomena in stars, etc, can all be easily and naturally explained under the new theory.

More intriguingly, a natural extension of the new model applying kaon oscillations in the early universe shows a promising solution to the long-standing baryon asymmetry problem with new insights for the QCD phase transition and B-violation topological processes [3]. A consistent picture for the origin of both baryon asymmetry and dark matter can then be depicted with kaon and neutron oscillations under the new model. In addition, puzzles in ultrahigh energy cosmic rays have also been explained under the new mirror-matter model [4]. Last but not least, various laboratory measurements using current best technology are proposed to test the model and the extended CKM matrix [5].

[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.01837
[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.03685
[3] https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.03835
[4] https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.07474
[5] https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.10262